Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Fiber Lash Mascara Review

So my friend has stopped selling Younique make up products, not sure why, but in a way it's a good thing for me as I won't be tempted to buy anything else.

But I did promise a review of the fibre lash mascara I bought.

Okay so first you can put a layer of mascara on your lashes if you wish but you have to let them dry. Then you coat your lashes with the transplant gel and then brush on the fibres.  But then you have to set it again with the transplant gel.  You can repeat these steps on the end of your lashes for more impact and volume.

Here's a few pictures of my lashes with the mascara on, excuse the bad skin between the eyebrows and yes the one picture was from a different time as my skin looks more tanned.  But the first two pictures show just normal mascara on the right and the fibre lash on the left.

My verdict is that the fibre las mascara does make a difference but as I have such long lashes anyway it's hard to tell.  I definitely recommend this type of mascara, I'm sure there are other brands, this one is £23, which is bit pricey.

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